Chairman Message

Hon'ble Chairman
Dr. Sarvadeo Pd. Gupta
It is the oldest system of natural treatment. In his project the added Alternative Medicine like Magneto therapy,Herbal, Colour therapy,Electropathy, Naturopathy. Acupressure/Acupunture/Magnetotherapy are the marvelous system, simple and easy to practice. These are highly effective, completely safe and absolutely scientific, any body even illiterate person also may be benefitted from Acupressure system of medicine
Acupressure treatment can be given to people of any sex and age, men, women, babies, children, young, old, any where and any time. There is nothing to lose but much gain from these therapies. Acupressure is an unique system in two spects easy detection of diseases and their prompt cure. It is only natural therapy though which one can easily ascertain the normal or abnormal functions of different internal organs of the body.
The concept of energy is vital motivating force in body. In Indian Philosophy it is know as “Patna”. Yogies call it “Prana Vayu”. As long as “Prana” or “Prana Vayu” exist in the body,the heart beats, brain works, the lungs breath and the whole organism stays as a living miracle. No one has seen this “Prana” but the concept is unchallaged.
The positive and negative are the two aspects of the energy which is the basic principle of the entire universe. Good health is the state of energy balance between these two and its upsetting results in a disease. At present the AYUSH, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. Of India has included Acupressure. Acupuncture,Magneto therapy, Naturopathy, Yoga, Alternative Medicine, Reiki as useful therapy, W.H.O. Has recommended also. So now the future is bright.
This group has been established with the mitto of “Health for All”&”Education for All”
I wish you success in career and wonderful experience.